50 year life expectancy – compared to 79 years in the United States
3rd lowest GDP per capita in the world after the Central African Republic and Burundi
3 million children under five years of age, suffer from acute malnutrition

Education Statistics
Estimated 3.5 million of primary age children are out of school
33% of children who enter the first grade will not make it past the sixth grade
Of those who reach 6th grade, only 75% will pass the exit exam

a glance
Population- 89 million
64% live in poverty
Roughly 6.7 million suffer from hunger
4th most populous country in Africa
19th most populous country in the world
At 2.3 million square kilometers, slightly less than one-fourth the size of the United States, Congo is the second largest country in the African continent

Due to war and lack of infrastructure, necessary resources like water, become isolated and scarce in areas along the Congo
More than half of the Congolese live without access to clean water
Source: USAID.gov